First post - i don't wanna stay home

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[bad english, but who cares?]


I've decided [it was december?] that going to USA again this summer would be bad, and I need to try something new...
Like Africa or so.. and Asia, oh I love Asia ;] [damn me, now I wanna go USA again]

And there are more possibilities how to get out from my "behated", i mean beloved Slovak Republic. And volunteering always sounds good for me. But whatever...

Finally, I decided to go with aiesec = something connected with something else and there you go, you can easy get out from here!

Right, first of all I wanna go Asia- so i wrote to Kazakhstan - and they say: yea, dude, come here. And I say: i love it!

But, one day they stopped answering to me, i mean once ;], and I didnt give a fuck to write them again, cause tickets to get there are pretty expensive. Who cares...

Let's check another countries, thought. Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria.

Ukraine- near ...eee
Turkey - hmm. dont know
Bulgaria - no food and accomodation

Ukraine - there's when I am gonna be.. probably ;]

I should be doing this:

Internship Title Summer Camp
TN Fee U.S. $0
Internship Focus No Particular LN IG
Field of Work Other Studies
Working Hours From 10:0 To 19:0
With a total of 40 hours per week
Saturday work None
Payment Salary in U.S. $0
Payment Rate Quaterly
Department in which the Intern will be working summer camp
Job/Task Description 1 work with children in the camp
Job/Task Description 2 organising presentations about the countries
Job/Task Description 3 improving the children's knowledge of English by making lessons
Job/Task Description 4 organising trenings and seminars about different topics for children
Job/Task Description 5 organising different events together with children
Details of the working details
  1. Other Conditions:intern will live in summer camp with children near the beautiful city Lviv. Also this camp is situated near the tourist city Truskavez. Food (3 times per day) and place for living are provided.
Measurable results expected from the intern Intern will work in summer camp
Key learning points that the intern might obtain during the internship 1. opportunity to improve English 2. ability to improve communicative skills with different types of people 3.resilience 4.opportunity to improve presentation skills
Preparation required from the intern before arrival Prepare some presentations about the countries, games for children and English lessons.
Additional information which a potential candidate may require for the internship Intern need to know how to organise his/her time and be ready for challenges concerning the work with children.

I am gonna see... I should go there from 1st june... but I have no idea where it is, what I need there and so on ;] so I am waiting for them to send me info

Anyway, i don't see internet provided anywhere, so hopefully, this is not my last post ;]

And why Ukraine? Cause next year I will go USA, save money- and go Asiaaa or Africa ;] for at least one year ;]